Tuesday, January 16, 2007


This blog remains a half-baked idea and it might be hard to pull it off without looking too pretentious or sentimental. But, I could never shake the feeling that our existence and mortality are things that demand our attention and that certain questions should not be ignored, so I wanted to dedicate a blog to this type of dialogue if only to better comprehend my own views, and hopefully get other people thinking and talking about these things. So, my purpose with this blog isn't to protelytize but to provide a forum for friendly, fair and open discussion about what we should all consider. There are countless forums like these on the internet but I thought it might be better to have this type of discussion with people I know. If anyone is interested in this please send me some topic suggetions, thanks.


Anonymous said...

I've posted some more of my answer to the belief questions, which you asked on my blog.
I don't know if you've been to Theology of Nuance lately. I can see that I'm getting hits from your Turning Japanese blog, but I don't know if it is you.
I would like to get your email. You can get mine from my profile and just drop me a line.

Now, I guess I can ask a brief question that puzzles me about "eternity".
When does eternity begin?
Does it start with me?
Did eternity start with my grandparents?
Did it start with the first day of creation?
The problem I have with the concept of eternity is that there was a time, when I was not, so in that time that preceded me, eternity did not exist for me.

But, when I became, it was at this moment that eternity started for me. And, presumably, it is also at this point in time, that the infinity of eternity begins, for D.S. Martin.
Yet…, eternity literally means infinity, i.e. without beginning and without end.

It is a paradox for a finite being such as I am, to even contemplate eternity.
What can I do with the portion of eternity that extends into a region where I do not exist?
And then, as a disciple of Jesus, to say in my heart that I shall one day take-part in that portion of eternity that extends into a region where I do not exist.
I will live eternally??

God bless,

Matt said...


Hey! Thanks for your comment. You asked some excellent questions. I have a half formed idea about the nature of eternity, but I'm currently doing a little research to flesh it out, so I'll post something soon.


Anonymous said...

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